Coding, AI & Robotics

We fill the gap where the high schools are unable to ...

Innovator Award

Gaps & Issues in Current School Curriculum


In traditional education, while subjects like mathematics and sciences receive thorough attention, programming remains a neglected area, failing to cultivate essential problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

Tech & Robotics

Access to tech and robotics education is limited, with only a select few able to afford costly, unstructured toolkits. This hampers the development of crucial system design and analytical abilities.

Time Pressure

As students’ progress through their education, time constraints tighten, with many missing out on vital STEM exposure due to academic pressures. The optimal window for skill development, ages 10-15, often goes overlooked amidst exam-focused curricula.


Universities increasingly prioritise extracurricular achievements, leaving students unaware and unprepared to seize STEM opportunities.

Our program aims to bridge these gaps, empowering students to excel in the dynamic fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Distractions and Expectations!

Our journey with our two daughters has illuminated a stark reality: while the current curriculum introduces STEM topics, it fails to foster true proficiency, leaving students to navigate mastery alone. Moreover, as students progress, the focus shifts from genuine learning to merely chasing high grades, driven by pressure for university admissions. Mere memorization and exam performance are inadequate; students must showcase deep understanding and practical application to excel in today's competitive academic landscape.

Successful university applicants require more than just stellar grades; they need demonstrated critical thinking and subject proficiency. University admissions now demand evidence of these qualities through avenues such as certifications, publications and assesments (Foundation Projects Qualification (FPQ), Higher Project Qualification (HPQ), Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), Internal Assessments (IA), Extended Essays (EE) etc.).

Why would a child takes an initiative to master the STEM on his own when surrounded by distractions from devices, social media and gaming?
Universities are expecting students to demonstrate additional interest beyond the grades in the core subjects.

In US 80% of Students switch their university major because students do not have the right background.

Free Resources Online!

We've walked the same path with our daughters, sharing your concerns about investing in paid lessons amidst a sea of free online resources like videos, tutorials, and books. While it's true that the web offers abundant free resources, they often lack targeting for specific age groups, lack structure, and leave you stranded if you encounter issues with the content.

With us, our ultimate aim is to craft a powerful profile for university admissions, ensuring future readiness to seize the opportunities emerging from the tech revolution.

Your child has nowhere to turn if the things described in the free video or tutorial do not work

Examples our Past Students Work